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How Google Alerts can work for your business

You may not realise it, but Google Alerts is a powerful tool that can enhance your business’s marketing efforts and save you a lot of time! The free digital platform detects content online and sends users an email when it finds new results – but, we think it’s more than just a notification service. Here, Cube Online points out 3 ways Google Alerts can work smarter for your company.

Search for inspiration

Generating fresh material on a regular basis such as blogs, newsletters and social media posts are great ways to communicate with your audience and boost brand recognition. But, there is a rule of thumb here: your content needs to be relevant and compelling – it makes for better engagement.

So, what do you do when ideas are lacking? Finding inspiration online is one way to get the creative juices flowing and this is where Google Alerts can really save you a lot of time. Think about some keywords that relate to your industry and audience, set them up on the platform and wait for the ideas to roll in – simple! Don’t forget to observe copyright laws when recreating content and always credit the source of information.

Stay ahead of the competition

Understanding your competitors and their point of difference is crucial to your business’s success, so it’s imperative that you’re informed with what they’re doing in the market. One way you can do this is by setting up a Google Alert using keywords you can track such as a company name or the brands they offer. The next time your competitors launch something new or are mentioned online, you’ll be able to come up with your own strategy to stay ahead of them!

Track and monitor your brand

Whether your press release got picked up by several media outlets or an influencer mentioned your brand on Instagram, you’ll want to be able to react or respond, measure the impact of your marketing efforts, and assess the return on investment.

Not only is this an opportunity to understand what worked well it’s also a chance to see where you can improve for future activities. Google Alerts is the perfect way to track keywords that relate to your marketing methods. All you need to do is determine which words you want to monitor (think brand/s, products or services), create a Google Alert and wait for the notifications!

Want to know how Cube Online can help boost your business’s online presence? Get in touch with one of our awesome customer service representatives today.


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